Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Cadbury Bandit

She's on a roll these days...

Autumn came clean about something she did last night...true to form, she does something sneaky, and then confesses, with a sense of pride. 

Autumn woke up around 3:00am, and informed me that she proceeded to close the door to my bedroom so the kitchen light wouldn't wake me...  She flipped on the light, took two Cadbury eggs, and ate them.  At 3:00am!!!  When I questioned her about the trash, she let me know that the trash from one egg was in the bathroom garbage can, and the other was hiding under a red box top.  Sure enough, that's exactly where they were.

When I asked if she had anything to say for herself, she paused and started to say she was sorry...  (Really, she got as far as, "Sss....") and then quickly said, "Nothing!" 

Nope, she wasn't sorry at all.  And I might be a little proud that she didn't say she was.  :)  My child, through and through.

At Least She Didn't Say Bacon...

Autumn wanted to watch "Ernest Goes to Jail" this morning, and the following conversation ensued:

Aut: Why is that policeman so fat?
Me: Maybe he ate too much.
Aut: Too much coffee and donuts.

A few minutes later...

Aut: Sometimes policemen have sandwiches, too.