Saturday, February 11, 2012

Wait, what??

Autumn, when asked a question for the second time: "Did I stutter?"

I explained to her why it was inappropriate for a five year old to say this...even if she heard her Toddy say it. I explained it with a smirk on my face, and I was secretly proud that she sassed me correctly. :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Isn't she too young for this?

Autumn likes playing her dancing game on the Kinect. There's a song that sings, "Hey Mami, you sexy, hey Mami, you sexy!" We've discussed how we understand it's on the game, but please don't sing this in public - it might be slightly embarrassing for the parental units, ya know.

Autumn announced the other day that one of her classmates informed her that--and I quote--"When you sexy someone, it means you take their clothes off."

There are a few things that worry me about this statement. Counting down...

5. Why does her classmate know this? They're five and six year olds!
4. How does a kid talk about this, how does this come up in conversation?
3. Does she really think it's taking clothes off? If yes, that must mean she sexys (sexies?) every time she gets in the bathtub...
2. Is she gonna repeat this?

And my number one worry?

"Sexy" is not a verb, it's an adjective, and she used it incorrectly. :(

I wanted to correct...but that would be opening a can of worms.

The *WHAT* Grill?!

We're taking Autumn out to dinner tonight - it's her choice! She says she wants to go to the hobachi grill. Yes. HO-bachi.

Just let that simmer for a bit...